This program is designed to predict the ablation performance of rocket nozzle heat protection materials. The program is based on the use of nonsymmetrical difference equations that are employed to solve systems of complex partial differential equations. The program can be used to predict the thermal degradation of a wide variety of materials exposed to an external source of heat. It can be generally adapted to the simulation of processes involving heat and mass transfer by substituting specific parameters into the basic equations. The program also includes the effects of mass addition on heat transfer, the calculation of internal gas pressure and internal material stresses, and a number of other options for surface or char removal. The program has previously been used to compare performance of phenolic nylon, phenolic graphite, and phenolic refrasil as rocket nozzle heat protection materials. NASA Lewis program under contract to General Electric.
This program was released by NASA through COSMIC as program LEW-00240. The italicized text above is from the official COSMIC release.