Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)  

The archive file contains the files:

readme.txt General description of 3view.
3view.f90 the complete source code for 3view
tnd4211.wgs sample wing-body configuration of NASA TN D-4211
tnd7505.wgs sample wing-body configuration of NASA TN D-7505
wdcase1.wgs sample configuration prepared for the wave drag program
swb.wgs sample configuration prepared for Panair
tnd6480.wgs sample wing-body configuration of NASA TN D-6480
tp2608.wgs sample wing-body configuration of NASA TP 2608

To compile this program, use the command

gfortran 3view.f90 -o 3view.exe

Linux and Macintosh users may prefer to omit the .exe on the file name.

To launch the program, enter "3view.exe" at the command line. The program asks for the name of the input WGS file and proceeds to the end of the computation. The files called plan.gnu, side.gnu, and rear.gnu are produced as output and may be used with gnuplot or with your favorite plotting package. For example

gnuplot> plot 'plan.gnu' with lines

You can use the command

gnuplot> set size ratio -1

to insure that the pictures are not distorted. Otherwize, they will be stretched both ways to fill your screen.

It is best if you compile the programs using your Fortran compiler with the appropriate options for your computer system. If you are unable or do not wish to do this, you may download containing the files 3view.exe, 3view.mac, and 3view.lnx, the executable program for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, each compiled generically for an Intel CPU.

Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)