I have written a number of applications that utilize the Atmosphere procedures.
Build atmosphere tables from 0 to 86 km in both US and SI units.
This is also an example of coding the same procedure in
several different programming languages.
The programs are named tables.py, tables.f90, tables.c, etc.
Build atmosphere tables to 1000 km using HTML for output that also
include transport properties such as mean free path, partcle collision
frequency, etc. The program is named bigtables.py and the output file is
named bigtables.html.
The single web page encodes six different tables with selector
buttons to choose which table is shown.
Atmosphere Calculator.
This is a web application that lets you specify an altitude and velocity
(given as Mach number).
The static and dynamic properties of the standard atmosphere are calculated and displayed.
I encourage you to examine the source code for this app.
Note that the entire procedure is self-contained within the HTML file and
requires no external server.
Trajectory of a baseball in ballparks
of different altitudes.
This is interesting because it answers the question of whether it is possible
to hit a baseball further in Denver than in a sea-level park.
Falling spheres from high altitudes.
This is interesting because it
approximates the fall of a skydiver from very high altitudes.
This has been of great interest since the demonstration of attaining supersonic
speeds by a human in free fall.