Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)  

This is a copy of the computer program that I used to get accurate values for the pressure at the boundaries of the layers of the 1976 standard atmosphere. The pressure at the top of a layer is computed from the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium using the pressure at the bottom of the layer and the temperature throughout the layer. There are two different forms of the hydrostatic equation, depending upon whether the temperature gradient through the layer is zero or not.

I originally wrote this in Turbo Pascal, which later morphed into Delphi. Delphi seems to be essentially dead these days, so I have rewritten it in Python. The old Pascal version is included also for those of us who are Turbo Pascal diehards to the end.

Python Version

import math GREETING = 'Press - compute pressure at layer boundaries (1976 std)' AUTHOR = 'Ralph L. Carmichael, Public Domain Aeronautical Software' VERSION = '1.5 (19Aug2018)' FINALMESSAGE = 'Normal termination of press, version ' + VERSION GRAVITY = 9.80665 # accel. of gravity MOL_WT = 28.9644 # molecular weight of air R_GAS = 8314.32 # gas constant N m / (kmol K) GMR = 1000 * GRAVITY * MOL_WT / R_GAS # NOTE - Observe the factor of 1000 in computing GMR. Without it, GMR would have # units of kelvins per meter. But the temperature gradient in LowerAtmosphere # is given in kelvins per kilometer. GMR=34.163195 kelvins/km print(GREETING) print(AUTHOR) print('Hydrostatic constant = ',GMR,' K/km\n\n') print(' z temperature p/p0 density/density0') t0=288.15 p0=1.0 s=1.0 # ratio of density to sea-level density z0=0.0 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z0),'{:11.5f}'.format(t0), '{:18.13f}'.format(p0), '{:18.13f}'.format(s)) z11=11.0 tgrad=-6.5 deltaz=z11-z0 t11 = t0 + tgrad*deltaz p11 = p0*math.exp(math.log(t0/t11)*GMR/tgrad) s=p11*t0/t11 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z11),'{:11.5f}'.format(t11), '{:18.13f}'.format(p11), '{:18.13}'.format(s)) z20=20.0 tgrad=0.0 deltaz = z20-z11 t20=t11 + tgrad*deltaz p20=p11*math.exp(-GMR*deltaz/t11) # special form when tgrad=0 s=p20*t0/t20 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z20),'{:11.5f}'.format(t20), '{:18.13f}'.format(p20), '{:18.13f}'.format(s)) z32=32.0 tgrad=1.0 deltaz = z32-z20 t32=t20+tgrad*deltaz p32=p20*math.exp(math.log(t20/t32)*GMR/tgrad) s=p32*t0/t32 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z32),'{:11.5f}'.format(t32), '{:18.13f}'.format(p32), '{:18.13f}'.format(s)) z47=47.0 tgrad=2.8 deltaz = z47-z32 t47=t32+tgrad*deltaz p47=p32*math.exp(math.log(t32/t47)*GMR/tgrad) s=p47*t0/t47 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z47),'{:11.5f}'.format(t47), '{:18.13f}'.format(p47), '{:18.13f}'.format(s)) z51=51.0 tgrad=0.0 deltaz = z51-z47 t51=t47 + tgrad*deltaz p51=p47*math.exp(-GMR*deltaz/t47) # special form when tgrad=0 s=p51*t0/t51 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z51),'{:11.5f}'.format(t51), '{:18.13f}'.format(p51), '{:18.13f}'.format(s)) z71=71.0 tgrad=-2.8 deltaz=z71-z51 t71=t51+tgrad*deltaz p71=p51*math.exp(math.log(t51/t71)*GMR/tgrad) s=p71*t0/t71 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z71),'{:11.5f}'.format(t71), '{:18.13f}'.format(p71), '{:18.13f}'.format(s)) z85=84.852 tgrad=-2.0 deltaz=z85-z71 t85=t71+tgrad*deltaz p85=p71*math.exp(math.log(t71/t85)*GMR/tgrad) s=p85*t0/t85 print('{:6.1f}'.format(z85),'{:11.5f}'.format(t85), '{:18.13f}'.format(p85), '{:18.13f}'.format(s)) print(FINALMESSAGE)

Pascal (actually Delphi) Version

PROGRAM PressureValues; { \atmos\press.pas } (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* PURPOSE - Compute the pressure ratio at the altitudes that are the *) (* boundaries between layers of the 1976 Standard Atmosphere *) (* AUTHOR - Ralph L. Carmichael, Public Domain Aeronautical Software *) (* NOTES - The type EXTENDED used in these calculations may not be *) (* familiar to everyone. It was included in Turbo Pascal by Borland to *) (* let us use the same 80-bit floating format that is used by the *) (* Intel 8087 processor (and its descendents). The 80-bit numbers will *) (* have even greater accuracy than double precision (IEEE 64 bit). *) (* Note that R_GAS is given as 8.31432 instead of 8314.32 to get units *) (* as kelvins/km and not kelvins/m. *) (* REVISION HISTORY *) (* DATE VERS PERSON STATEMENT OF CHANGES *) (* 10Aug95 1.0 RLC Original coding *) (* 3Nov95 1.1 RLC Added column headers *) (* 21Nov96 1.2 RLC Writes to a file (easier for Delphi) *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) CONST GREETING = 'Press - compute pressure at layer boundaries (1976 std)'; AUTHOR = 'Ralph L. Carmichael, Public Domain Aeronautical Software'; VERSION = '1.2 (21Nov96)'; FINALMESS = 'Normal termination of press, version ' + VERSION; PROCEDURE ComputePressures(VAR f : TEXT); CONST GRAVITY : EXTENDED = 9.80665; { accel. of gravity } MOL_WT : EXTENDED = 28.9644; { molecular weight of air } R_GAS : EXTENDED = 8.31432; { gas constant } VAR GMR : EXTENDED; { hydrostatic constant used in calc. of pressure } s : EXTENDED; { density/sea-level density } tgrad : EXTENDED; { dT/dh in a given layer } t0,t11,t20,t32,t47,t51,t71,t85 : EXTENDED; { temperatures } p0,p11,p20,p32,p47,p51,p71,p85 : EXTENDED; { pressure/sea-level pressure} { note that the t's are dimensional } { but the p's are non-dimensional } BEGIN GMR := GRAVITY * MOL_WT / R_GAS; WriteLn(f, 'Hydrostatic constant = ', GMR:20:12); WriteLn(f); WriteLn(f, ' km temp pressure density'); t0:=288.15; p0:=1.0; s:=1.0; WriteLn(f, ' 0', t0:12:5, p0:20:13, s:20:13); tgrad:=-6.5; t11:=t0+tgrad*11.0; p11:=p0*Exp(Ln(t0/t11)*GMR/tgrad); s:=p11*t0/t11; WriteLn(f, ' 11', t11:12:5, p11:20:13, s:20:13); tgrad:=0.0; t20:=t11; p20:=p11*Exp(-GMR*9.0/t11); { special form when tgrad=0 } s:=p20*t0/t20; WriteLn(f, ' 20', t20:12:5, p20:20:13, s:20:13); tgrad:=1.0; t32:=t20+tgrad*12.0; p32:=p20*Exp(Ln(t20/t32)*GMR/tgrad); s:=p32*t0/t32; WriteLn(f, ' 32', t32:12:5, p32:20:13, s:20:13); tgrad:=2.8; t47:=t32+tgrad*15.0; p47:=p32*Exp(Ln(t32/t47)*GMR/tgrad); s:=p47*t0/t47; WriteLn(f, ' 47', t47:12:5, p47:20:13, s:20:13); tgrad:=0.0; t51:=t47; p51:=p47*Exp(-GMR*4.0/t47); { special form when tgrad=0 } s:=p51*t0/t51; WriteLn(f, ' 51', t51:12:5, p51:20:13, s:20:13); tgrad:=-2.8; t71:=t51+tgrad*20.0; p71:=p51*Exp(Ln(t51/t71)*GMR/tgrad); s:=p71*t0/t71; WriteLn(f, ' 71', t71:12:5, p71:20:13, s:20:13); tgrad:=-2.0; t85:=t71+tgrad*13.852; p85:=p71*Exp(Ln(t71/t85)*GMR/tgrad); s:=p85*t0/t85; WriteLn(f, ' 85', t85:12:5, p85:20:13, s:20:13); END; (* ------------------------------ End of Procedure ComputePressures *) (* ======================================================================= *) VAR ff : TEXT; BEGIN (* Start of Program Press. *) Assign(ff, 'press.out'); Rewrite(ff); WriteLn(ff, 'Executing ', ParamStr(0)); WriteLn(ff, GREETING); WriteLn(ff, AUTHOR); WriteLn(ff, 'Version ', VERSION); ComputePressures(ff); WriteLn(ff, FINALMESS); Close(ff); END. (* ------------------------------------------- End of Program Press. *)


When executed, the program produces the following output: Press - compute pressure at layer boundaries (1976 std) Ralph L. Carmichael, Public Domain Aeronautical Software Version 1.2 (21Nov96) Hydrostatic constant = 34.163194736310 km temp pressure density 0 288.15000 1.0000000000000 1.0000000000000 11 216.65000 0.2233611050922 0.2970759401445 20 216.65000 0.0540329501078 0.0718651953546 32 228.65000 0.0085666783593 0.0107959255160 47 270.65000 0.0010945601338 0.0011653334659 51 270.65000 0.0006606353133 0.0007033514337 71 214.65000 0.0000390468337 0.0000524171681 85 186.94600 0.0000036850095 0.0000056799049 Normal termination of press, version 1.2 (21Nov96)

Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)