The first item is the primary reference for this program.
Sorenson, R. L.:
A Computer Program to Generate Two-Dimensional Grids About Airfoils and
Other Shapes by the Use of Poisson's Equation.
NASA Technical Memorandum 81198, 1980.
Thompson, J. F.; Thames, F. C.; and Mastin, C. W.:
Automatic Numerical Generation of Body-Fitted Curvilinear Coordinate System for
Field Containing Any Number of Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Bodies.
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 15, no. 3, July 1974, pp. 299-319.
Steger, J. L.; and Sorenson, R. L.:
Automatic Mesh-Point Clustering Near a Boundary in Grid Generation
with Elliptic Partial Differential Equations.
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 33, no. 3, Dec. 1979, pp. 405-410.
Abbott, I. H.; and Von Doenhoff, A. E.: Theory of Wing Sections.
Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1959.
Bauer, F.; Garabedian, P.; Korn, D.; and Jameson, A.:
Supercritical Wing Sections II. Lecture Notes in Economical and Mathematical Systems,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975.
Sorenson, R. L.; and Steger, J. L.:
Simplified Clustering of Nonorthogonal Grids Generated by
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations.
NASA Technical Memorandum 73252, August 1977.
Thompson, J. F.; Thames, F. C.; and Mastin, C. W.:
Automated Numerical Generation of Body-Fitted Curvilinear Coordinate
System for Field Containing Any Number of Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Bodies.
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 15, no. 3, July 1974, pp. 299-319.
Thompson, J. F.; Thames, F. C.; and Mastin, C. W.:
TOMCAT—A Code for Numerical Generation
of Boundary-Fitted Curvilinear Coordinate Systems on Fields Containing Any Number of
Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Bodies,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 24, no. 3, July 1977, pp. 274-302.
Steger, J. L.; and Sorenson, R. L.:
Automatic Mesh-Point Clustering Near a Boundary in Grid
Generation with Elliptic Partial Differential Equations,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 33, no. 3, Dec. 1979, pp. 405-410.
Sorenson, R. L.; and Steger, J. L.:
Grid Generation in Three Dimensions by Poisson Equations with
Control of Cell Size and Skewness at Boundary Surfaces,
in Advances in Grid Generation-FED-Vol. 5, K. N. Ghia, ed., ASME, 1983.
Sorenson, R. L.: Three-Dimensional Elliptic Grid Generation for an F-16,
in Three Dimensional
Grid Generation for Complex Configurations—Recent Progress,
AGARDograph 309, March 1988, pp. 23-28.
Flores, J.; Chaderjian, N. M.; and Sorenson, R. L.:
Simulation of Transonic Viscous Flow Over a
Fighter-Like Configuration Including Inlet.
AIAA Paper 87-1199, June 1987. (Also published
in J. Aircraft, vol. 26, no. 4, April 1989.)
Sorenson, R. L.: Three-Dimensional Zonal Grids About Arbitrary Shapes by Poisson's Equation,
Proc. Second Intern. Conf. Numerical Grid Generation in CFD, Miami, December, 1988
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Fluid Mechanics, S. Sengupta, J. Hauser, P. R.
Eiseman, and C. Taylor, eds., Pineridge Press Ltd., Swansea, U.K., 1988. (Also published as
NASA Technical Memorandum 101018, 1988.)
Buning, P.; and Steger, J.:
Graphics and Flow Visualization in Computational Fluid Dynamics,
AIAA-85-1507-CP, July 1985.
Walatka, P. P.; and Bunning, P. G.: PLOT3D User's Manual,
NASA Technical Memorandum 101067, 1989.