References for the Hypersonic Aerodynamics Program
The first three documents are the primary references.
Gentry, Arvel E.; Smyth, Douglas N.; and Oliver, Wayne R.:
The Mark IV Supersonic-Hypersonic Arbitrary-Body Program.
Volume I - Users Manual.
AFFDL-TR-73-159, volume I, USAF Flight Dynamics Laboratory.
November 1973.
Gentry, Arvel E.; Smyth, Douglas N.; and Oliver, Wayne R.:
The Mark IV Supersonic-Hypersonic Arbitrary-Body Program.
Volume II - Program Formulation.
AFFDL-TR-73-159, volume II, USAF Flight Dynamics Laboratory.
November 1973.
Gentry, Arvel E.; Smyth, Douglas N.; and Oliver, Wayne R.:
The Mark IV Supersonic-Hypersonic Arbitrary-Body Program.
Volume III - Program Listing.
AFFDL-TR-73-159, volume III, USAF Flight Dynamics Laboratory.
November 1973.
Gentry, A.E.; and Smyth, D.N.: Hypersonic Arbitrary-Body
Aerodynamic Computer Program, Mark III Version, Volume I,
User's Manual, Volume II, Program Formulation and Listing,
Douglas Report DAC 61552, April 1968.
Gentry, A.E.: Hypersonic Arbitrary-Body Aerodynanic
Computer Program (Mark II), Volume I, User's Manual and
Volume II, Program Formulation and Listing, Douglas
Report No. DAC 56080, March 1967.
Ames Research Staff: Equations, Tables, and Charts for
Compressible Flow,
NACA Report 1135, 1953.
Bertram, M.H.; and Henderson, A., Jr.: Recent Hypersonic
Studies of Wings and Bodies, American Rocket Society Journal,
Volume 31, No. 8, August 1961.
Bertram, M.H.; and Blackstock, T.A.: Some Simple Solutions
to the Problem of Predicting Boundary-Layer Self-Induced
Pressures, NASA TN D-798, April 1961.
Bertram, M.H.: Hypersonic Laminar Viscous Interaction Effects
on the Aerodynamics of Two-Dimensional Wedge and Triangular
Planform Wings,
NASA TN D-3523, August 1966.
Bradley, R.C.; and Miller, B.D.: Lifting Surface Theory
Advances and Applications, AIAA Paper No. 70-192, 8th Aerospace
Sciences Meeting, New York, January 19-21, 1970.
Bromley, L.A.; and Wilke, C.R.: Viscosity at Low Temperatures,
University of California TR HE-150-157.
Carmichael, R.L.: A Critical Evaluation of Methods for Computing
Wing-Body Interference at Supersonic Speeds, ICAS Paper No. 68-08,
Sixth Congress of the ICAS, Munich, Germany, September 9-13, 1968.
Collingbourne, J.R.: An Empirical Prediction Method for the
Non-Linear Normal Force on Thin Wings at Supersonic Speeds,
Aeronautical Research Council CP-662, Great Britain, 1963.
Collingborne, J.R.; Crabtree, L.F.; and Bartlett, W.J.:
A Semi-Empirical Prediction Method for Pressures on the Windward
Surface of Circular Cones at Incidence at High Supersonic and
Hypersonic Speeds (M>=3), Aeronautical Research Council, C.P.
No.792, January 1964.
Cohen, C.B., and Reshotko, E., The Compressible Laminar
Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and Arbitrary Pressure
Gradient, NACA Report 1294, 1956.
Coons, S.A.: Surfaces for Computer-Aided Design of Space
Figures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Preprint No. 299.
Eckert, E.R.G.: Survey on Heat Transfer at High Speeds,
WADC TR 54-70, April 1954.
Eggers, A.J.; and Syvertson, C.A.:
Inviscid Flow about Airfoils at High Supersonic Speeds,
NACA TN 2646, March 1952.
Eggers, A.J., Jr.; Syvertson, C.A., and Kraus, S.: A Study of
Inviscid Flow About Airfoils at High Supersonic Speeds,
NACA Report 1123, 1953.
Eggers, A.J., Jr.; and Savin, R.C.: A Unified
Two-Dimensional Approach to the Calculation of Three-Dimensional
Hypersonic Flows, with Application to Bodies of Revolution,
NACA Report 1249, 1955.
Epstein, P.S.: On the Air Resistance of Projectiles, Proc. National
Academy Sci. U.S.A., Vol. 17, pages 552-547, 1931.
Fetterman, D.E.: A Method for Predicting the Normal Force
Characteristics of Delta Wings at Angles of Attack from 0° to 90°,
NASA TM X-757, March 1963.
Goldberg, L.: The Structure of the Viscous Hypersonic Shock
Layer, General Electric Report R65SD50, December 1965.
Goldberg, L.: Forces and Moments on the Front Face of a Blunt
Lifting Reentry Vehicle, General Electric Report R66SD21, April 1966.
Grabau, M.: A Method of Forming Continuous Empirical
Equations for the Thermodynamic Properties of Air From Ambient
Temperatures to 15,000°K, with Applications, AEDC-TN-59-102,
August 1959.
Granville, P.S.: The Calculation of the Viscous Drag of Bodies
of Revolution, Report 849, David Taylor Model Basin, July, 1953.
Gregorek, G.M.; Nark, T.C.; and Lee, J.D.: An Experimental
Investigation of the Surface Pressure and Laminar Boundary Layer
on a Blunt Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow, Vol.I, ASD-TDR-62-792,
March 1963.
Griffith, B.J.: Comparison of Data from the Gemini Flights and
AEDC-VKF Wind Tunnels, AEDC-TR-66-178, October 1966.
Hammitt, A.G.; and Murthy, K.R.: Approximate Solutions for
Supersonic Flow Over Wedges and Cones,
Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, January 1960, pp. 71-73.
Hankey, W.L., Jr.: Optimization of Lifting Re-Entry Vehicles,
ASD-TDR-62-1102, March 1963.
Hansen, C.F.: Approximations for the Thermodynamic and
Transport Properties of High Temperature Air, NACA TN-4150, 1958.
Harder, R.L.; and Desmarais, R.N.: Interpolation Using Surface
Splines, Journal of Aircraft, Volume 9, No. 2, February 1972,
pp. 189-191.
Hayes, W.D.; and Probstein, R.F.: Hypersonic Flow Theory,
Volume I, Inviscid Flows, Second Edition (1966), Academic
Press, New York.
Henderson, A., Jr.; and Braswell, D.O.: Charts for Conical and
Two Dimensional Oblique Shock Flow Parameters in Helium at Mach
Numbers From About 1 to 100,
NASA TN D-819, Jun,: 1961,
Hess, J.L.; and Riddell, T.M.: Direct Solutions of a Square
Matrix Whose Size Greatly Exceeds High-Speed Storage,
McDonnell Douglas Report DAC 70000, July 1969.
Hess, J.L.; and Smith, A.M.O.: Calculation of Non-Lifting
Potential Flow About Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Bodies,
Douglas Report No. ES 40622, March 1962.
Hilsenrath, J.; and Klein, M.: Tables of Thermodynamic
Properties of Air in Chemical Equilibrium Including Second Virial
Corrections from 1500°K to 15,000°K, AEDC-TR-65-58, March
Inouye, M.; Rakich, J.V.; and Lomax, H.: A Description of
Numerical Methods and Computer Programs for Two-Dimensional
and Axisymmetric Supersonic Flow Over Blunt-Nosed and Flared
NASA TN D-2970, August 1965.
Jackson, C.M.; and Smith, R.S.: A Method for Determining the
Total Drag of a Pointed Body of Revolution in Supersonic Flow
With Turbulent Boundary Layer,
NASA TN D-5046, March 1969.
Jackson, C.M.; and Sawyer, W.C.:
A Method for Calculating the Aerodynamic Loading on Wing-Body Combinations
at Small Angles of Attack in Supersonic Flow,
NASA TN D-6441, October 1971.
Jernell, L.S.: Comparisons of Theoretical and Experimental
Pressure Distributions Over a Wing-Body Model at High Supersonic Speeds,
NASA TN D-6480, September 1971.
Jones, D.J.: Tables of Inviscid Supersonic Flow About Circular
Cones at Incidence, gamma=1.4, AGARDograph 137, November 1969.
Jones, D.J.: A Pressure Formula for an Inclined Circular Cone
in Supersonic Flow, gamma = 1.4, AIAA Journal, February 1972, pp.234-236.
Kaufman, L.G., II: Pressure Estimation Techniques for
Hypersonic Flows Over Blunt Bodies, Journal of Astronautical Sciences,
Volume X, No. 2, Summer 1963.
Kaups, K.; and Keltner, G.: Laminar Compressible Boundary
Layer on a Yawed Infinite Wing, Douglas Deport No. LB 32706,
March 1967.
Kaattari, G.E.: Estimation of Directional Stability Derivatives
at Moderate Angles and Supersonic Speeds,
NASA Memo 12-1-58A.
Kaufman, L.G.,II.: Pressure Estimation Techniques for Hypersonic
Flows over Blunt Bodies, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences,
Volume X, No. 2, Summer 1963.
Korn, G.A.; and Korn, T.M.: Mathematical Handbook for Scientists
and Engineers, McGraw-Hill, April 1961.
Lee, J.D.: Pressures on the Blunt Plate Wing at Supersonic and
Hypersonic Speeds, FDL-TDR-64-102, July 1964.
Lees, L.: Hypersonic Flow, Fifth International Aeronautical
Conference Proceedings, June 1955.
Levis, C.H.; and Burgess, E.G., III: Empirical Equations for
Thermodynamic Properties of Air and Nitrogen to 15,000°K,
AEDC-TDR-63-138, July 1963.
Liepmann, H.W.; and Roshko, A.: Elements of Gasdynamics,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1957.
Love, E.S.: Generalized Newtonian Theory, Journal of Aerospace
Sciences (Readers Forum), Vol. 26, No. 5, May 1959, pages 314-315.
Love, E.S.; Henderson, A., Jr.; and Bertram, M.H.:
Some Aspects of the Air-Helium Simulation and Hypersonic Approximations,
NASA TN D-49, October 1959.
Lukasiewicz, J.: Hypersonic Flow-Blast Analogy, AEDC-TR-61-4,
June 1961.
McLellan, C.H.; Bertram, M.H.; and Moore, J.A.:
An Investigation
of Four Wings of Square Planform at a Mach Number of 6.86 in the
Langley 11-inch Hypersonic Tunnel,
NACA Research Memorandum L51 D17, June 1951.
McNally, W.D., FORTRAN Program for Calculating Compressible
Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers in Arbitrary Pressure
NASA TN D-5681, May 1970.
Michel, R.; and Kretzschmar, G.: Determination Theorique D'une
Enthalpie de Reference Pour la Couche Limite Laminiaire de la
Plaque Plane, Influence due Nombre de Prandtl, O.N.E.R.A.
Report T.P. No. 41, 1963.
Monaghan, R.J.: An Approximate Solution of the Compressible
Laminar Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate, British R & M No 2760,
Neal, L., Jr.: Average Pressure and Skin Friction on Tapered
Plates Hypersonic Flow, J. Spacecraft, Volume 3, No. 6,
June 1966, pp. 945-946.
Roberts, M.L.: Newtonian Aerodynamic Coefficients for and
Arbitrary -Body, Including "All Shadowed" Areas, J. Spacecraft,
Volume 7, No. 9, September 1970.
Sasman, P.K.; and Cresci, R.J.: Compressible Turbulent
Boundary Layer with Pressure Gradient and Heat Transfer, AIAA
Journal, Volume 4, No. 1, January 1966, pp.19-25.
Savin, R.C.: Application of the Generalized Shock-Expansion
Method to Inclined Bodies of Revolution Traveling at High
Supersonic Speeds,
NACA TN 3349, April 1955.
Schlichting, H., and Ulrich, A., Zur Berechnung des Umschlages
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Schwartz, L.W.: Comment on 'An Empirical Expression for Drag
Coefficients of Cones at Supersonic Speeds', AIAA Journal,
March 1969, pp. 572-573.
Seiff, A.:
Secondary Flow Fields Embedded in Hypersonic Shock Layers,
NASA TN D-1304, May 1962.
Seiff, A.; and Whiting, E.E.: Calculation of Flow Fields from Bow
Wave Profiles for the Downstream Region of Blunt Nosed Circular
Cylinders in Axial Hypersonic Flight, NASA TN D-1147, 1961.
Shapiro, A.H.: The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of
Compressible Fluid Flow, The Ronald Press, 1953.
Sieron, T.R.; and Martinez, C., Jr.: Effects and Analysis of
Mach Number and Reynolds Number on Laminar Skin Friction
at Hypersonic Speeds, AFFDL-TR-65-5, April 1965.
Sivells, J.C.; and Payne, R.G.: A Method of Calculating
Turbulent-Boundary-Layer Growth at Hypersonic Mach Numbers,
AEDC-TR-59-3, March 1959.
Spalding, D.B.; and Chi, S.W.: The Drag of a Compressible
Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Smooth Flat Plate With and Without
Heat Transfer, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 18, Part 1, January
1964, pp. 117-143.
Syvertson, C.A., and Dennis, D.H.: A Second-Order
Shock-Expansion Method Applicable to Bodies of Revolution Near Zero
NACA Report 1328, 1957.
Van Dyke, M.D.:
Second-Order Slender-Body Theory - Axisymmetric Flow,
NASA TR R-47, 1959.
Van Dyke, M.D.: A Study of Hypersonic Small-Disturbance Theory,
NACA Report 1194, l954.
Van Tassell, W.: Free-Molecular and Newtonian Coefficients for
Arbitrary Bodies, RAD-TM-63-63, August 1963.
White, F.M., Jr.: Hypersonic Laminar Viscous Interactions
of Inclined Flat Plates, American Rocket Society Journal, May 1962.
Witcofski, R.D.; and Marcum, D.C., Jr.: Effect of Thickness and
Sweep Angle on the Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of Slab
Delta Planforms at a Mach Number of 20,
NASA TN D-3459, June 1966.
Woodward, F.A., A Unified Approach to the Analysis and Design
of Wing-Body Combinations at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds,
AIAA Paper No. 68-55, January 22-24, 1968.