Download the Supersonic Inlet Program

The archive file contains the files:

readme.txt general description
inlet.f90 program source code
blank.cmn common block to be included in inlet.f90
fig9.dat a typical data set (from the document)
fig9.out the output from this data set

To compile this program, use the command

gfortran inlet.f90 -o inlet.exe

To launch the program, enter


at the command line. The program asks for the name of the input file and proceeds to the end of the case. A file called inlet.out is produced as output. Two other files are made that should be discarded.

This program was developed at NASA Ames around 1965. I was unable to locate a copy of the source code, so I scanned it from the NASA document. There still may be a discrepancy between my scanned code and the real thing. I would appreciate any bugs you find. The test case diverges from the results shown in the original TN.

It is best if you compile the programs using your Fortran compiler with the appropriate options for your computer system. If you do not wish to do this, you may download containing the files inlet.exe, inlet.mac, and inlet.lnx, the executable program for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, each compiled generically for an Intel CPU.