Example 4 - Wing Similar to B-2 - page 3

The output from meanaerochord is

MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD DEFINED BY b2.nml # y xle c xte 1 0.00000 0.00000 1300.00000 1300.00000 2 480.00000 400.00000 500.00000 900.00000 3 900.00000 750.00000 500.00000 1250.00000 4 1200.00000 1000.00000 0.00000 1000.00000 area of wing= 717000.0000 length of MAC= 759.2748 y of MAC= 429.8745 xle of MAC= 358.2287 xte of MAC= 1117.5035 x of c/4 of MAC= 548.0474
