The archive file contains the files:
readme.txt | general description |
meanaerochord.f90 | the complete source code |
input.txt | instructions on preparing input |
b2.nml | an example case for a wing resembling the B-2 |
b2.out | the output produced by running b2.nml |
f117.nml | an example case for a wing resembling the F-117 |
f117.out | the output produced by running f117.nml |
ofw.nml | an example case for an oblique flying wing |
ofw.out | the output produced by running ow.nml |
cases.pdf | sketches of these wings |
cases.txt | a description of the cases b2, f117, ofw |
meanaerochord is a program that reads the definition of a wing from an arbitrary list of chords. The instructions for preparing an input file are in the file input.txt. The program reads the input file and prints the area, length of MAC, y of MAC, xle of MAC, xte of MAC, and x of c/4 of MAC.