Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)  

The input data is all in one namelist record. One nice feature of namelist input is that you may put comments before the actual data. Just be sure you don't say the magic word &NACA in your comments. The sample cases I have supplied have comments before the main data to explain the case.

NAMELIST /NACA/ a,camber,cl,chord,cmax,dencode,leindex,name,ntable, &

The variables have the following meanings: a extent of constant loading (as fraction of chord) (only applies to 6-digit camber lines ) camber Name of the camber line, enclosed in quotes. Acceptable values are '0', '2', '3', '3R', '6' and '6A' cl design lift coefficient of the camber line (Applies to three-digit, three-digit-reflex, 6-series and 6A-series camber lines) chord Model chord used for listing ordinates in dimensional units. cmax Maximum camber, as a fraction of chord. dencode spacing of the x-array where the points are computed =0 if specified by user =1 for coarse output =2 for fine output =3 for very fine output leindex leading edge radius parameter (only applies to 4-digit-modified profiles) name Title desired on output. It must be enclosed in quotes. ntable Size of xtable (Only if dencode==0) profile Thickness family name, enclosed in quotes. Acceptable values are '4', '4M', '6', '6A'. toc Thickness-chord ratio of airfoil (fraction, not percent) xmaxc chordwise position of maximum camber, given as fraction of chord. (Only used for two digit camber lines) xmaxt Chordwise location of maximum thickness, as fraction of chord. ( Only used for 4-digit modified airfoils) xorigin X-coordinate of the leading edge of the airfoil yorigin Y-coordinate of the leading edge of the airfoil xtable table of points (ntable values) at which the airfoil ordinates will be computed

Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)