The archive file contains the files:
readme.txt | general description |
input.txt | instructions for use |
panin.f90 | the source code for panin |
case1a.aux | sample input for panin |
case1a.wgs | the associated LaWGS file (input) |
case1a.inp | the resulting input file for PanAir |
To compile this program for your computer, use the command
gfortran panin.f90 -o panin.exe
Linux and Macintosh users may prefer to omit the .exe on the file name.
To launch the program, enter "panin.exe" at the command line. The program asks for the name of the input file and proceeds to the end of the computation. A file called panin.inp is produced as output.
The input to Panair is described in the Panair user's manual. The input data is organized in specific columns. Editing an input file is a rather error-prone process. The PANIN program was written to enable a user to select the flow properties and all other program options by editing a short free-format file called an auxiliary file. One entry in the auxiliary file is the name of a file that contains the geometrical information. The format of this file is that of the NASA standard for wireframe geometry as described in NASA Report TM 85767. This file is usually referred to as a WGS file, standing for Wireframe Geometry Standard. The program reads the various items of control information from the auxiliary file and combines this information with the panel geometry in the WGS file to produce a combined file that is a properly formatted input file for PanAir.
It is best if you compile the programs using your Fortran compiler with the appropriate options for your computer system. If you do not wish to do this, you may download containing the files panin.exe, panin.mac, and panin.lnx, the executable program for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, each compiled generically for an Intel CPU.