1958-1962 - Boeing Airplane Co. - Aerodynamicist, preliminary design group. Worked on
conceptual design of the supersonic transport and the proposal for the tactical fighter aircraft
known as TFX (later F-111). Fortran programmer since 1959.
1960-1961 - Univ. of Washington - Night school instructor, Algebra, Calculus.
1963-1994 - NASA Ames Research Center - Research Scientist, Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel.
Wind tunnel testing with emphasis on in-house NASA research and the development of
computational aerodynamics procedures as well as automated conceptual airplane design.
Projects include the supersonic transport, advanced technology transport, proposed delta wing
for the X-15, WingBody computer program, ACSYNT program for aircraft synthesis, PanAir
panel aerodynamics program, oblique wing research airplane and the all-wing oblique
supersonic transport. Supervised the specification and installation of a computer graphics
laboratory to support conceptual aeronautical vehicle design (1971-1975). Served on several
source evaluation boards including that of the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Facility.
1995-present - Public Domain Aeronautical Software - Sole proprietor. Development of a
collection of aeronautical computer programs for use on modern personal computers. Creation
of an extensive worldwide web site at https://www.pdas.com and execution of an on-line order
placement capability.
1996-2008 - Nielsen Engineering and Research, Santa Clara CA. (Part time and
occasional) Design of wind tunnel models for clients. Test planning and customer
representative during tests at the Lockheed Martin High Speed Wind Tunnel in Dallas TX, the
North American Trisonic Tunnel in El Segundo CA,
the Calspan 8-foot Transonic tunnel in Buffalo NY,
and the Propulsion Wind Tunnel 4T in Tullahoma TN.