The first four items are the primary references for this program.
These references superceed NASA CR-2715a, CR-2715b and CR-2717.
The entries on the reference page
for the wave drag program are also applicable to TEA201.
Middleton, W.D.; and Lundry, J.L.:
A System for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of Supersonic Aircraft.
Part 1 - General Description and Theoretical Development.
NASA Contractor Report 3351, December 1980.
Middleton, W.D.; and Lundry, J.L.; and Coleman, R.G.:
A System for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of Supersonic Aircraft.
Part 2 - User's Manual.
NASA Contractor Report 3352, December 1980.
Middleton, W.D.; and Lundry, J.L.; and Coleman, R.G.:
A System for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of Supersonic Aircraft.
Part 3 - Computer Program Description.
NASA Contractor Report 3353, December 1980.
Middleton, W.D.; and Lundry, J.L.:
A System for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of Supersonic Aircraft.
Part 4 - Test Cases.
NASA Contractor Report 3354, December 1980.
Carlson, Harry W.; and Harris, Roy V., Jr.:
A Unified System of Supersonic Aerodynamic Analysis.
NASA SP-228, 1970, pp. 639-658.
Sommer, Simon C.; and Short, Barbara J.:
Free-Flight Measurements of
Turbulent-Boundary-Layer Skin Friction in the Presence of Severe
Aerodynamic Heating at Mach Numbers From 2.8 to 7.0.NACA Technical Note 3391, March 1955.
Von Karman, Thoedore:
The Problem of Resistance in Compressible Fluids,
Convegno di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali sul terra:
Le Alte Velocita in Aviazione, Reale Accademia d'Italia, Roma, 1935, pp. 210-265.
Sheppard, L. M.:
Methods for Determining the Wave Drag of
Non-Lifting Wing Body Combinations.
ARC Technical Report R&M No. 3077, 1958.
Lighthill, M. J.:
Supersonic Flow Past Slender Bodies of Revolution,
the Slope of Whose Meridian Section is Discontinuous.
Quarterly J. Mech. & Appl. Math.,
vol. I, pt. 1, Mar. 1948, pp. 90-102.
Whitham, G. B.: The Flow Pattern of a Supersonic Projectile.
Communications Pure & Appl. Math.,
vol. V, no. 3, Aug. 1952, pp. 301-348.
Middleton, Wilbur D.; and Carlson, Harry W.:
A Numerical Method for Calculating Near-Field Sonic-Boom
Pressure Signatures.NASA Technical Note D-3082, November 1965.
Carlson, Harry W.; and Middleton, Wilbur D.:
A Numerical Method for the Design of Camber Surfaces of Supersonic
Wings With Arbitrary Planforms.NASA Technical Note D-2341, June 1964.
Middleton, Wilbur D.; and Carlson, Harry W.:
A Numerical Method for Calculating the Flat-Plate Pressure
Distributions on Supersonic Wings of Arbitrary Planform.NASA Technical Note D-2570, January 1965.
Sorrells, Russell B.; and Miller, David S.:
Numerical Method for Design of Minimum-Drag Supersonic Wing
Camber With Constraints on Pitching Moment and Surface Deformation.
NASA Technical Note D-7097, December 1972.
Carlson, Harry W.; and Miller, David S.:
Numerical Methods for the Design and Analysis of Wings
at Supersonic Speeds.NASA Technical Note D-7713, December 1974.
Lomax, Howard; Heaslet, Max A.; and Fuller, Franklyn B.:
Integrals and Integral Equations in Linearized Wing Theory.NACA Report 1054, 1951.
Grant, Frederick C.:
The Proper Combination of Lift Loadings for Least Drag
on a Supersonic Wing.NACA Report 1275, 1956.
Sears, W. R., ed.:
General Theory of High Speed Aerodynamics.
Princeton Univ. Press, 1954.
Fellows, K. A.; and Carter, E. C.:
Results and Analysis on Two Isolated Slender Wings and
Slender Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speeds.
Part 1 - Analysis. ARC C.P. 1131, 1970.
Rolf, E. F.:
Note on the Maximum Attainable Suction on a Body in an Airstream.
ARC 16062, 1953.
Carlson, Harry W.; and Mack, Robert J.:
Estimation of Leading-Edge Thrust for Supersonic Wings of Arbitrary Planform.NASA Technical Paper 1270, October 1978.
Carlson, Harry W.; Mack, Robert J.; and Barger, Raymond L.:
Estimation of Attainable Leading-Edge Thrust for Wings at Subsonic
and Supersonic Speeds.
NASA Technical Paper 1500, October 1979.
Theodorsen, T.; and Garrick, I. E.:
General Potential Theory of Arbitrary Wing Sections.NACA Report 452, 1933.
Nielsen, Jack N.: Missile Aerodynamics.
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1960.