Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)  

Download the VuCalc and FlowCalc Program

The archive file contains the files:

readme.txt General description
calc.c the original code from NASA VuCalc (for SGI machine)
main.dfm the main form
calcsubs.pas the code for unit calcsubs
getMachFromInput.pas the code for unit GetMachFromInput
loadmemo.pas the code for unit LoadMemo
main.pas the code for unit main
rayfanno.pas the code for unit RayFanno
vucalc.dpr the Delphi project file
vucalc.exe the executable file for Windows
flowcalc.html the HTML source code for FlowCalc

VuCalc is written in the Delphi language as an application for Microsoft Windows. The source code is included for those who wish to make modifications. You must have a Delphi development system installed on your Windows machine to do this.

A copy of flowcalc.html is also included in This is the same file found at in the PDAS web site. When you run this HTML file, you get the same program as when you access the PDAS web site. If you happen to work in an environment with frequent internet outages, you may find it worth the effort to become familiar with opening a local file in your web browser instead of a web page on a distant server. Or, you may wish to print the file to see how such an application is written.

Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)