The archive file contains the files:
readme.txt | this file of general description |
hyper.f90 | the source code in modern Fortran |
methods.f90 | a major module needed by hyper.f90 |
input.txt | instructions for preparing input & interpreting output |
Sample cases for this program are: | |
tmx1242.inp | input for wing-body configuration of NASA TM X-1242 |
tmx1242.out | output from running hyper on tmx1242.inp |
tmx1242.dbg | log file from running tmx1242.inp |
tmx1242.mak | input file for program makewgs to make the tmx1242.wgs input file |
tmx1242.wgs | the geometry file describing the vehicle in TM X-1242 |
tnd6480.* | 5 files, similar to above, but for NASA TN D-6480 |
To compile this program for your computer, use the command
gfortran hyper.f90 -o hyper.exe
Linux and Macintosh users may prefer to omit the .exe on the file name. The module methods.f90 will be included automatically.